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100 acres Bettsburg, New Brunswick

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--- RESERVED --- A large acreage in central New Brunswick with good access via HWY 8 and Bettsburg Road at New Bandon in Northumberland County. The land was harvested about 10 years ago and is regenerating well. High ground with sandstone and rock throughout. Adjoining crown lands and excellent access to the trails.

Lot Size: 100+/- acres
Location: Bettsburg Road, Bettsburg, New Brunswick
Reference #: NB-2178

  • 100 acres along Bettsburg Road, Bettsburg, New Brunswick.

  • Drone photo outlining your 100 acres in Bettsburg, New Brunswick. The land measures 660 feet wide and 6,600 feet long.

  • 100 acres Bettsburg Road.

  • Looking in a western direction along Bettsburg Road and your 100 acres parcel on the south side of the road.

    • Picture taken along Bettsburg Road, your property on the right with 660 feet of road front.

    • Looking into the property from roadside. There is a woods road that runs through the entire length of the acreage.

    • Picture taken on your land, looking back towards Bettsburg Road.

    • This picture was taken within the acreage showing the regeneration of trees since it was harvested about 10+/- years ago.

    • This picture was taken within the acreage at the far south end.

    • Nearby hunting camp along Bettsburg Road within a kilometer or two of your acreage.

    • Bettsburg Road to your acreage.

    • Bettsburg Road from Highway 8. From here, your acreage is 8.3 kilometers away via Bettsburg Road.

    • Here is the most current air photo outlining your acreage along Bettsburg Road, New Brunswick.

    • This is a historical air photo from the 1950s showing the property location outlined. As you can see, at that time Bettsburg Road was a settled area and a portion of the acreage was open fields.

    • Map indicating the location of your acreage in central New Brunswick. 20 minutes from the Village of Doaktown, and an hour north of the city of Fredericton.

Land situated along the Bettsburg Road in the Parish of Ludlow, in the Community of Bettsburg, in the County of Northumberland and Province of New Brunswick. PID 40082778

SIZE: 100+/- acres (40.7 hectares)

- The acreage measures 660 feet wide along the southern side of Bettsburg Road.
- Excellent for outdoor recreation, hunting, exploring and investment in woodland.
- The ground is generally high and has sandstone and rock throughout.
- Located in a logging area.
- Western boundary measures 6,600+/- feet. 
- Southern boundary measures 660+/- feet.
- Eastern boundary measures 6,660+/- feet.
- This woodlot was harvested about 10 years ago and is regenerating very well.
- Boundary lines are defined by cuts with some blazes here and there.
- The land is in good shape with no rutting because of being mostly hard land, well draining and rocky at the surface.
- This property adjoins an expansive area of crown land on its southern end which is easily access via logging roads and trails.
- Good access from New Bandon via HWY 8 and Bettsburg Road. 
- Close to the Southwest Miramichi River, which has excellent fishing, tubing, canoeing, kayaking.
- Great trail network for snowmobiling and ATVing. 
- 20 minutes to the village of Doaktown (east of your land). 
- 40 minutes to the village of Blackville (east of your land).
- 1 hour from the city of Fredericton (Capital city of New Brunswick).
- 1 hour, 20 minutes to the city of Miramichi. 
- 2 hours to the city of Moncton.

--- RESERVED --- PRICE: Term Sale: $52,000.00, payable $5,800.00 down payment with order and eighty-four (84) monthly payments of $550.00 each, and interest. 10% discount if paid in full within 30 days: $46,800.00, if paid $5,000.00 down payment with order and the balance of $41,800.00 within thirty days thereafter.

  • 100 acres along Bettsburg Road, Bettsburg, New Brunswick.

  • Drone photo outlining your 100 acres in Bettsburg, New Brunswick. The land measures 660 feet wide and 6,600 feet long.

  • 100 acres Bettsburg Road.

  • Looking in a western direction along Bettsburg Road and your 100 acres parcel on the south side of the road.

    • Picture taken along Bettsburg Road, your property on the right with 660 feet of road front.

    • Looking into the property from roadside. There is a woods road that runs through the entire length of the acreage.

    • Picture taken on your land, looking back towards Bettsburg Road.

    • This picture was taken within the acreage showing the regeneration of trees since it was harvested about 10+/- years ago.

    • This picture was taken within the acreage at the far south end.

    • Nearby hunting camp along Bettsburg Road within a kilometer or two of your acreage.

    • Bettsburg Road to your acreage.

    • Bettsburg Road from Highway 8. From here, your acreage is 8.3 kilometers away via Bettsburg Road.

    • Here is the most current air photo outlining your acreage along Bettsburg Road, New Brunswick.

    • This is a historical air photo from the 1950s showing the property location outlined. As you can see, at that time Bettsburg Road was a settled area and a portion of the acreage was open fields.

    • Map indicating the location of your acreage in central New Brunswick. 20 minutes from the Village of Doaktown, and an hour north of the city of Fredericton.

Wolter Land Estates
449 Farris Road
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1W 1N1

Telephone: (250) 863-2425
Fax: (250) 764-4377


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